Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why I didn't pick Vegas

So after picking SF due to a number factors (great city, need of a new stadium, Silicon Valley $$, my birthplace, etc.) I was having some second thoughts. I began researching some out-of-the-box locations, as clearly many of you have been doing. I began thinking about Vegas, a large city in terms of residents, but huge when you factor in tourists and the rapid turnover of visitors. Could an NFL franchise do what an XFL team failed to do and titillate Vegas residents and visitors? Having never been, I booked my flight to go investigate.

I will save you all from my personal "Hangover" story - Vegas is a beautiful and disgusting city. If there is anything it doesn't have it is a lack of things to do. There are enormous casinos, bars, clubs, strip clubs, shows of all kinds, fights, sports bars to gamble at, this list could get really long so I am going to stop. Most visitors are only in town for the weekend and Sunday is an afterthought. I don't believe that people are going to go to a place as overstimulating as Vegas and watch a football game all the way through. Plus, how quickly is your average loaded NFL player going to be arrested in Vegas for gambling, fighting, drugs, another list that could go on a while.

In summary, thanks Vegas but I will be avoiding you until I am forced back for a bachelor party or a  friend guilt trips me again and when I return there is no way I will be attending a football game.

--Owner/GM of the San Francisco Prospectors

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