Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Overall

Seems to me with the first overall pick you would have to take a QB. Given that there are really 4 options. Brady is the best player in the NFL but turns 35 next season. Rodgers is a system QB and would be scary to see him try to play without being surrounded by weapons and Brees is 10 years older than my pick. Its a bit of a risk, but you basically guarantee a superbowl contender for the next 15 years by taking Luck with the first overall!


  1. I have to go with Aaron Rodgers for several reasons. First, he has proven himself. He can throw to whoever they put out there with him. They had 10 people catch TD passes. It doesnt matter who he is playing with, he will find them. Second, he is only 28. That is a huge advantage over Brees and Brady. He will be a great QB for the next 7 seasons at least. I know it is probably a trendy pick, but there is a reason it is a trendy pick. He is the best.

  2. Rodgers is a no brainer. A much better question is who do you take second.

    How is Cam Newton not on your poll?? He was incredible this year for a rookie and is at least one year proven unlike Luck.

    I think you either build around a QB or absolutely elite WR (Megatron) offensively or a DT or absolutely elite MLB (Willis) defensively.

    RBs are just too injury prone and there is at least one flyer--> top 10 RB every year (Foster last year, DeMarco this year)

    After Rodgers I would still have to stick QB and go Brees. Ngata and Newton enter into my head as well.

    1. Good point, I forgot Cam. He would be an acceptable first pick.

  3. By taking Luck overall you are committing to spending your first few seasons "building." Rodgers gives you the chance to win any given year for the next 10 years. There is only so much we know about college players, we all have seen "sure things" miss. I don't see how you draft for youth over someone you have at least seen play one NFL snap.

    NOTE TO ANYONE READING THIS POLL NOT FROM PALO ALTO: The majority of us are from Palo Alto, Luck will have even more unproven respect here than he is already regularly showered with.

    ADDITIONAL NOTE, TO BE FAIR: I went to Cal, I love Rodgers and just don't get all the hubbub with Luck.

  4. RBs r def injury prone, I like peterson. Maybe the most raw talent but u just can't trust injury prone players. I didn't realize breese was so much older than Rodgers. I'm a big luck fan too but also underestimate potential of guys we haven't seen play in the league yet. Jamarcus russel was supposed to be a beast! By all means luck has a much better work ethic but Jamarcus was supposed to be a "sure thing" too.

    Players like cam newton and Aldon smith will make this draft very interesting after this year. There are more up and comings but those two pop up for me at the moment.

  5. Who wrote other? and Who would the other be??
